Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Civil War, Shenandoah, and Hershey's Chocolate!!


Gettysburg PA

 On June 3, l863, a month after his dramatic victory at Chancellorsville, Confederate General E. Lee began marching his Army of Northern Virginia's westward from its camps around Fredericksburg, Virginia.
July 2, battle lines were drawn.....2 sweeping arcs....the North and the South!
July 3, Lee's artillery opened a two hour bombardment of the Federal Lines on Cemetery Ridge and Cemetery Hill.  12,000 Confederates advanced across the open fields, known as Pickett's Charge.The battle was over for the South. George Meade was the Union Commander.
Nov. l9th, President Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address as a dedication ceremony, stating that this was a "New Birth of Freedom" for the nation.


Our Shadows!

Monticello  Charlottesville, VA.

Monticello is situated on a mountainside outside of Charlottesville, VA. It is a 5,000 acre plantation, was the home of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia. Monticello is the only historical house in the U.S. on the United Nations World Heritage List. It was a beautiful walk around this plantation and they even had an active garden! A beautiful mansion which was designed by Jefferson himself!

Hershey Choc. Factory!

Hershey Chocolate PA

Milton Hershey founded the Milk Chocolate Factory and the town of Hershey, PA.  A wonderful and most beautiful museum has been established describing the history of Milton and his company. It also describes the town of Hershey. He had houses built that still exist and established a loan company so the workers could obtain a low interest loan to purchase them. Mr. Hershey built an amusement park along with other recreation programs, so the people could not only work but play in the factory town. A business school for foster children is still very much alive with several grads going on to hold management positions in the company. Raise your hand if you have ever  had a Hershey's Kiss or Chocolate Milk? Mr. Milton Hershey was one of this country's grand people and one who made a difference in others' lives! Thank you Mr. Hershey!


Hiking some of the Appalachian trail; not even on the agenda!

Shenandoah National Park

This beautiful park follows the Blue Ridge Mountains with a scenic drive that was colored by the fall leaves  It was another one of the many things developed by the CCC that has surfaced so many times on this journey. Shenandoah National Park scenic roadway Skyline Drive follows the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains for l05 miles and stretches to the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. It was established in l935.

Railroad America!

Railroad America

This is described as the world's largest miniature village totalling 1,500 square feet of layout. When Larry Gieringer was a young boy in the early 1900's he started working with trains and miniatures. It became a 50 year passion that included his work with wood, stained glass, and hand built motors as it was WWI and they were not readily available.  He even cast his own metal wheels for the trains and vehicles.  The variety of peoples' passions adds to the variety and greatness of this country!

Elvis's Mansion! Memphis

Elvis Presley, Graceland

I remember being 10 years old when Elvis first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. Some of my girl cousins were teenagers and they went simply crazy over him!  He and Michael Jackson have to be the two greatest individual entertainers during our lifetime. The mansion is very 60's and he had his parents and grandmother living in the house. One wall was covered with bank checks he had written out to so many worthy causes and individuals, most often for $1000.00.  He and his family are buried on the grounds in a very sacred garden with a huge fountain. Elvis had a twin brother who died in infancy. Glad we made this stop!

The Oval Office

Donated gifts to President

President Clinton Library, Little Rock, AK

This was our second library, the first being Dwight Eisenhower.  An obvious difference in design with some 50 years difference. The history is so well recorded and displayed from a replica of the Oval Office and Cabinet Room to the gifts given to him and Hillary....also the actual rough drafts of State of the Union speeches. Quite a large area was set aside and devoted to the lives of both Bill's and Hillary's Mothers. Don't pass up a chance to visit any of these libraries!

The Ferris Family!

This past few weeks included visits with friends and family. We stopped in Pennsylvania to see one of Janet's nurses' training classmates. Another stop was at the home of her high school classmate Sharon and husband John in North Carolina. We had lunch with a college friend of our daughter Jenna's and her baby also in NC. We finished up with a visit to my cousin Jim Ferris and Carol in Alabama. Jim has spent years working on the Ferris family tree and was recently interviewed by the author of a new book by an engineer on the Ferris Wheel. We also went out to dinner with more extended family members. Thanks friends and family for the visit and hospitality!! And thank you Jim for all your family tree work.

The Cotton fields!

North Carolina
Old and new Windmills!

OK and NC Americana

Thoughts by Ty:   I keep thinking of the word reflections while looking back over this last year. We have had time to reflect on our lives and the beauty of nature was reflected so beautifully in many bodies of still water!   Reflection, a dimension we often take for granted.    Numerous times we thought of our Dads and their part in WWII that gave us the freedom to take this trip and to Cherish The Freedom!!

Funnies:  I was telling a ranger in a state park in NC about the acorns falling on Silver most of one night with winds from hurricane Susan.  He said he recalls being hit on the head by them and they "hurt way far".

A gas station clerk in Mississippi was a treat. I asked her where the sugar was for my coffee and she said, "dem be in um cups over err."

The funniest thing that  happened on this trip was when Ty was all worried about the engine being so hot when we finally got parked at the beginning of our trip. He said, Not sure what to do and I simply asked, "Why don't you just lift the hood of the van up!" hahahahahahahahahahah!

Thoughts by Janet

This poem is dedicated to my Dad. He would over his last years ask....what would we do without the
sun? I remember the week before Dad died. I was sitting on the back porch of our home with him on the back step and we watched the sunset together. That was his last one, but I will never forget how much he enjoyed it.....appreciated it! I saw it in his eyes!

Without The Sun?

What would we do without the sun,
without her warmth or her magnificent light?
What would we do without the breezes off the trees...
for the music they give us and the songs from their leaves?
What would we do without the mystic moon casting
shadows and reflecting its powerful gaze?
Oh yes and without those stars....celestial kisses from heaven and
 the rainbows.... the colors of our senses?
What would we do without the trees and nature's beauty
caressing us.....a magic potion of creation each day?
What would we do without the peace the wilderness gives us
as we walk down a silent, living path on this hallowed ground?
What would we do without the flowing water from our earth....
to bathe in, to quench our thirst, or to baptize our souls?
What would we do without the birds who bring us songs and
messages from above and fly in a V?
What would we do without the wildlife on this earth and in our oceans,
lakes, and streams?
And those clouds which so gloriously paint the sky?
What would we do? Do we appreciate?

What would we do without our precious memories of those
we loved so dearly who have passed on?
What would we do without those who make us feel safe, feel
blessed, and surround us with their love.... which at times we
take for granted and even question?
What would we do without those simple things of life?
And what would we do without the joy that just being alive brings us?
What would we do?

I want to thank Ty for suggesting this trip and making it possible. He had planned for 9 months and successfully carried out the plan! I did enjoy watching him enjoy this trip and relaxing after 42 years of standing on his feet and counseling patients. Thank you too Ty for making me aware of nature for the very first time in my life. My eyes now appreciate the beauty as my soul appreciates the wonder!!!!

We had a sign up in Silver: "The greatest arts of all of the arts is the art of living together!" After 37 years and one of those in a tin can, we are still very much together!

Thank you Silver for your part in this trip, for carrying us safely across this great nation!!
Hi Oh Silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOING HOME!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you enjoyed your trip and
    so happy you are now home safe. We
    learned so much about the sites in
    America. Thanks for sharing them with
    us. I think the 4 of us are not going
    camping for a long time. We are grateful
    for our homes and little caves where we
    can get away from each other for awhile.
    Love Jane
